Ezekiel and Nehemiah's Birth Story

 Ezekiel Charles & Nehemiah Steven’s

Birth Story

June 27th, 2022

At our 16 week high risk maternal fetal medicine appointment we learned that Baby B had no heartbeat. While Baby A’s heartbeat was extremely low at 88 bpm. We were told that it was possible Twin to Twin transfusion and that Twin A would soon pass away.

June 28th, 2022

In the early hours of the morning I woke up having a few contractions. That is when I knew Baby A was no longer living. We didn’t have our OB appointment until 3:30pm. So we went about our day and at 3:15pm we arrived for our ultrasound that confirmed both of our babies were now in Heaven. Luckily we were able to be induced the same evening. So we made arrangements for Angie and Eric to watch Sheamus and Nicolas and then we headed to the hospital. 

Once we were checked in our nurse Missy gave us a rundown of what would happen. I would be given pills to help my cervix soften and labor to begin. I chose to go unmedicated because I wanted to ‘feel the pain’. After she inserted the pills and checked me. I was 1 cm dilated before I even got the medication so my body was on its way to start things.

3 hours later I started writhing in pain and then my water broke. I was only 3cm dilated so we had to wait a while longer for me to be dilated enough. As soon as my water broke Zach called Mom and she headed up to the hospital. The pain really lessened after the waters broke and I was contracting off and on for the next few hours. Missy came in the room to start getting things ready and as soon as she did I started having extreme pains again. Another gush of fluid came out and she checked me. It was time to push. I covered my eyes because I did not want to see them yet and I was crying as I pushed. At 11:01pm Baby A was birthed and with 3-4 more pushes and 2 minutes later 11:03pm Baby B was birthed, both Zach and Mom were on my side trying to comfort me.

Missy then took the babies over to the table to get them cleaned up. I still couldn’t look. That is when she announced that they were twin boys. We did not have boy names chosen when we got to the hospital so when mom got there we all talked about boy names and decided Baby A- Ezekiel Charles Meade and Baby B- Nehemiah Steven Meade. After getting babies dressed Missy brought them over to me and I got to see them and hold them for the first time. They were perfect. Zach, Mom, and I took turns holding them until Mom left around 2am. Then Zach and I took turns holding them while a lady name Marie took pictures of them and got their hand and foot prints.

Around 4 am she took them off to make molds of their hands and feet and to keep them safe until the next day. Zach and I tried to get some sleep, but I was woken up about every half hour because I still had placenta in my uterus and they were worried about me hemorrhaging.

June 29th, 2022 

I woke up around 8 am to a new nurse Mikki who would be with me pretty much all day. Had an ultrasound and still had placenta high up in my uterus, so she wanted me to take more medicine to help me contract. So I had two pills and a shot in each thigh. Immediately after I got the shots I got so sick to my stomach I was doing everything I could not to throw up. I shot up out of the bed and walked towards the bathroom and turned to look at Zach while crying asking him ‘Why are they doing this to me?’. Went into the bathroom and sat down and immediately threw up all over the floor and my hands. Right after I felt a good sized gush and was hoping it was the last of the placenta. 

Unfortunately around 9:10am Dr. Mazdi came in and did another ultrasound and I still had the placenta high up. So she made some calls and scheduled me for a D&C.

Around 11-11:30am they came and picked me up for the OR. I had never had surgery before so I was a little nervous. But before they took me back Momma Tammy facetimed me and comforted me. They took me downstairs and stuck stickers on me to keep track of my vitals. A wonderful lady named Dawn prayed over me. And they were all so kind. I looked at the clock and it was 11:40am. They put an oxygen mask on my face and then I don’t remember a thing until waking up at 1pm.

Dr. Huffman did my D&C and said she removed a good sized portion of placenta. I was so cold when I woke up they wrapped me in warm blankets. The first thing I said to Dawn upon waking up was that I wanted my husband. She checked my vitals a little while longer and then they took me up to my room.

After I got back we were able to order lunch. After I ate I was feeling a lot better. I did not want to see the boys for the last time while I was feeling terrible. So after lunch Mom came by and we asked the nurse to see the twins. She brought them to us in a cute little basket. They looked so precious it was hard for me to muster up the courage to hold them for the last time. They still smelled like peppermint from the bath the night before. So now everytime I smell peppermint I will remember my Ezekiel and Nehemiah. I finally got the courage to hold them for the last time. I kissed their little blankets and held them close and promised I will always love them. And said the saying that has been with Zach and I throughout our entire relationship even before we had children. 

‘I’ll love you forever, I’ll love you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.’

I then laid them in their basket and the nurse took them away.

After that we were ready to get out of that hospital. After a few hours of waiting for the doctor to check on me I was discharged at 7:30pm.

All though I didn't get to bring my babies home with me the love I have for them is unending. And the promise I will again see them in Heaven is what is getting me through this difficult time.


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