
Showing posts from May, 2022

It's Twins

 When I found out I was pregnant I had a feeling this pregnancy was going to be different. But I had no idea just how different it would be. I found out I was pregnant April 14th, 2022. Confirmed it with another test on the 15th. Now these test were POSITIVE. I mean such a strong line I thought I was pretty far along. Because I had missed a period in March. And had not had one yet in April.  Well fast foward to April 19th I went in for my first OB oppointment and go back for the ultrasound. She starts to look around with the wand and says well there isn't just one baby there are babies. I have my mouth hanging wide open at this point because well BABIES. And I look over at my husband and behind his mask you can see him grinning from ear to ear. I looked at the screen and I said you're joking right? She says no (I would never joke about something like this. As she changes the number of fetus' from 1 to 2. Well that day the babies... still in shock by saying the 'ies'